24 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: Wrestling

I am a HUGE fan of wrestling. I used to watch when I was young, and I've sort of dipped in and out throughout my life, but I fully got back into it about 2 years ago when I discovered Becky Lynch. I don't think I've missed a PPV since!

It may be a strange thing to say given the context but wrestling calms me down, I love getting invested in the story lines, seeing my faves have matches and I also love seeing all the costume design. 
When I'm having a particularly rough day with my mental health I know I can put on just about any show or PPV and immediately be taken to a different world. 
Wrestling is one of the main things that keeps me grounded, but I also find it a massive motivator! 

Are you a fan of wrestling? 

Stay safe, 
Rebel Rock Homestead 

23 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: Sunbathing

Being tanned has always improved my mood. I feel like I'm generally just happier in the sunny months. 

Since I was young, I've always been outside in the sun any time I could be. I remember my dad always sunbathing, and I guess I've grown up to have that same love of the sun.

I'm very specific about my sunbathing though, I'm not one of these people who enjoys beach holidays or Spain etc. In fact I only really sunbathe at home. I just love looking up at the sky, full of blue and no clouds and just completely resetting myself. (and getting all brown while I do it!)

Stay safe, 
Rebel Rock Homestead 

22 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: Video Games

For as long as I can remember videos games have been a part of my life. I remember playing pokemon on the original Gameboy (yes I'm that old), playing Mary Kate and Ashley games on my PlayStation and more recently playing The Long Dark on my xbox one.
Games have always been an escape for me, just being able to transport to a different world and achieve things if my real life wasn't going so well. Video games have gotten me through a lot of tough times in my life so it's only right that I highlight them during mental health awareness week. 

Stay safe, 
Rebel Rock Homestead 

21 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: Woodworking

Recently, I've really gotten into woodworking. 
I've always been a fan of it and I even made a small table when I was young(with help). 
I've really enjoyed just being alone in the shed with my music, sawing away on a piece of wood.
I find it really relaxing and almost therapeutic, it's also pretty cool to have something to show for it at the end. 

Stay safe, 
Rebel Rock Homestead 

20 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: Planes

Anyone who knows me can vouch for how much I love travelling. 
There's something so exciting about aeroplanes but to me, they're also incredibly relaxing. 
I can just let go on a plane, I genuinely think they're one of my favourite places to be. 
I also love seeing planes in the sky, I think I've just always associated planes with freedom and peace so whether I'm in one or see one they always bring me happiness.

What brings you joy and peace?

Stay safe, 
Rebel Rock Homestead 

19 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: Nature/Walking


For day 2 of mental health awareness week I'm going to highlight nature/walking.

I've always loved walking, I just find it very peaceful and I love having my headphones in and just getting lost in my own world.

When I combine that with nature it just makes me feel so peaceful. Nature has always been peaceful to me, hearing all the noises, birds, the wind etc. 
My favourite thing to do while walking and the thing that calms me the most when I'm on a nature trail is to just stop, look up to the sky, close my eyes and breathe. It completely realigns my soul. 

Do you enjoy walking too? 

Let me know! 

Take care, 
Rebel Rock Homestead 

18 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: Beaches

This week is Mental Health Awareness week, and as someone who's struggled with mental health for around half my life I really wanted to bring awareness to people and to make sure people know they're not alone.

I have decided to take a leaf out of Lacey Evans book and highlight 7 things(1 per day) that help me to manage my mental health and things that I use as outlets.

For day one I'm going to talk about beaches. 

For as long as I can remember I've loved being by the sea, I love the feel of the sand and water beneath my feet, I love looking out at the ocean and thinking of all the secrets it holds. 
To me the sound of the ocean is one of the most peaceful sounds in the world. 
I could spend forever at the beach, it completely calms my mind and soul. 

What things do you do to help your mental health? 
Drop a comment below. 

Stay safe, 
Rebel Rock Homestead